Reaction to Orlando shooting

(PHOTO/Orland Police Twitter)

“We know enough to say this was an act of terror and an act of hate.” ~ President Obama

In a scene far too familiar, Americans awoke Sunday to news of another mass shooting – the deadliest in U.S. history. Described as an “act of terror and an act of hate” by President Barack Obama, the shooting took place early this morning at a gay nightclub in Orlando. Forty-nine people were killed, at least 53 others were injured.

The attacker, identified by officials as Omar Mateen of Ft. Pierce, Florida, was a U.S. citizen who, according to CNN, pledged allegiance to ISIS in a 911 call he placed around the time of the attack. He was shot and killed by police.

READ: 50 killed in Florida nightclub, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance

Orlando Police Chief John Mina said early Sunday, “It appears he was organized and well-prepared.” The shooter had an assault-type weapon, a handgun and “some type of (other) device on him.” National media reports indicate there has been no claim of responsibility for the attack on jihadi forums, but ISIS sympathizers have reacted by praising the attack on pro-Islamic State forums.

President Obama addressed the nation live from the White House Sunday afternoon.

In a show of solidarity, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal retweeted a tweet from Florida Governor Rick Scott.

Now Habersham readers are also reacting to the attack on social media.

Orlando tribute
Posted by Nancy Beck

Before Sunday, the deadliest shootings in U.S. history were at Virginia Tech in 2007 when 32 people were killed and at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 when 27 people, including 20 children, were killed.

The FBI is assisting state and local authorities in Florida with the investigation into the Pulse nightclub shooting. Officials caution it will be a lengthy investigation given the scope and severity of the attack.

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