Raider cross-country team fundraiser huge success

On your marks, get set, get ready - GO!!!! The Raider Cross Country fundraiser brought many elementary school runners to Raider Stadium. (Nora Almazan/Now Habersham)

Kaylee Bosley was pleased with the turnout. “I think tonight was a huge success and we had a lot of fun doing it.”

Raider Stadium was filled with 4th—and 5th-grade supporters as the Raider Cross Country Team hosted a fun run on October 19. The distance was 1.25 miles, and students went around the stadium, up a large hill into the High School, and back to the stadium. There were adult runners as well as students.

Fundraiser defrays cost for team

The fundraiser will help defray costs incurred by the team as they travel to events. “We are growing our program and this is one way to do it. Hopefully, the elementary kids will want to keep running and join us when they get to high school,” Coach Bosley added.

Currently, there are 31 student-athletes on the Raider Cross Country Team.

Many of the Elementary Schools wore crazy socks or bright-colored tutus. Hazel Groves’ Coach Shaye Huff sported large pink shoes in Dr. Seuss fashion. “This is such a great thing the Cross-Country Team is doing. I hope my child develops a love for it. I hope she will be on the Cross-Country Team one day,” said one parent of a 4th grader at Demorest Elementary.

Safety a priority

Safety was a huge priority as traffic was rerouted and orange cones kept students on the correct path. Chief Murray Kogod, Assistant Superintendent Patrick Franklin, elementary school principals, and teachers were all available to help.

Dr. Adam Bagwell, Habersham Central principal ran with the kids and several teachers did as well. Cross Country Team members manned the water station and were available throughout the route to make sure all students were good.

Winner for boys and girls

The leader of the pack of runners ‘wowed’ the crowd. He took off and never looked back distancing himself from the others by several seconds. Sergio Esteban was the overall winner and the first elementary boy student to cross the finish line in record time. Coach Erna Dowdy of Demorest Elementary couldn’t say enough about this student-athlete, “He has incredible stamina and endurance and speed! I will definitely talk to him and encourage him to try out cross-country. He is also an all-around very respectful boy.”

The winner of the girls who came in shortly after Esteban with incredible speed was Ashlyn Stewart, a 5th-grade student at Hazel Grove Elementary under Coach Shaye Huff. Hazel Grove Assistant Principal Sandy Todd said, “She is a shining star on and off campus. At school, she is a kind friend, a hard worker, and a very smart girl. Away from school, she is a very talented soccer player and has a bright future  in cross-country as well.”