Evelyne Sheats and Head of School Dr. Anthony Sgro at the Evelyne Sheats Lower School dedication on Friday, September 15. (photo/RGNS)
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School officially dedicated its new Lower School to Evelyne Sheats during a ceremony Friday, September 15.
After the success of adding fifth grade to the Rabun Gap Middle School in 2013, Rabun Gap’s Board of Trustees began studying the possibility of opening a Lower School. The vision became reality on August 26, when the Evelyne Sheats Lower School opened its doors to 150 local students in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. The expansion brings Rabun Gap back to its historic roots, making quality education accessible to students of all ages.
Mrs. Sheats was all smiles Friday as she looked over a crowd of more than 1000 friends, students, faculty, and community members celebrating her love for Rabun County and the children of Northeast Georgia. Head of School Dr. Anthony Sgro told attendees that Mrs. Sheats exemplifies the “two rules” at Rabun Gap — love God and love each other.
“One of the things that defines Evelyne is her complete love for people, without regard for their circumstances or background. Her love is unconditional and free flowing,” Sgro said.
Mrs. Evelyne Sheats is a longtime resident of Lake Burton who considers Rabun County home. Originally from Alabama, Evelyne lived in Atlanta with her husband, LaMar, and it is where she raised their daughter Stephanie Sheats Dyer. Mr. Sheats, a highly successful financial executive looked forward to the day when the two could retire full time to their home at the lake. Upon his passing, Evelyne increased her involvement in the local community including philanthropic and leadership support to important missions such as FAITH and St. James Episcopal Church in Clayton. In recent years, Eveylne’s affection for and commitment to the children growing up in North Georgia has propelled her generous support of Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School and The Little School, an independent school most recently located at First Presbyterian Church in Clarkesville, which merged with RGNS this summer.
“Thanks to the generous support of Evelyne Sheats and so many others, Rabun Gap can continue our legacy of serving students of all ages,” Sgro said. “This is an exciting time for Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School and this surrounding community.”
Dr. Sgro also gave a special thank you to Director of Facilities Sam White and the maintenance/grounds and housekeeping team at Rabun Gap for the countless hours they put in renovating and preparing the Emily Winship Woodruff Memorial Building into the Lower School. Prior to its renovation, the building housed administrative offices and was once a gymnasium.
Lower School students ended the ceremony singing “Jesus Loves Me.”