Purcell joins TFS as school adds second 4th-grade class

New TFS 4th-grade teacher Katie Purcell of Banks County. (TFS photo)

Tallulah Falls School has added a second 4th-grade class for the upcoming year. Veteran Banks County teacher Katie Purcell has signed on to teach the class.

Purcell was named Banks County Elementary and System Teacher of the Year in 2015. She moved to Banks County 16 years ago after graduating from the University of Minnesota.

“It was a huge shift from working and living in a town of thousands. Everyone suddenly knew who I was! My bubble got very large very quickly,” she says.

Purcell adds, “I know what it is like to assimilate into an entirely new culture. I have that experience to empathize about being in a new situation, learning new things, meeting new people.”

An ‘incredible opportunity’

Tallulah Falls’ newest teacher says her favorite part about teaching is “the students.”

“Fourth graders are awesome! It is an experience unique to the classroom where I see who a student is outside their family dynamics and friend groups. They are developing into their own. I love watching them grow,” she says.

TFS Lower and Middle School Academic Dean Carol Madden says expanding the lower school to include fourth grade brought the school a lot of joy. She adds they are excited to add a second class.

“Katie will join us as the fourth-grade humanities teacher,” says Madden. “She previously taught with our fourth-grade teacher, Sandy Crenshaw, and she looks forward to teaming with Mrs. Crenshaw again. The seasoned two-person team will serve all fourth-grade students.”

The school says Purcell brings a well-rounded skill set with her experience and her joy of teaching to TFS.

“This is an incredible opportunity,” says Purcell. “The school’s culture and reputation are unmatched.”

Purcell’s two children will join the middle school’s sixth and eighth-grade classes.

TFS has limited space available in grades 4-8. For more information, contact [email protected] or call 706-754-0400.

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