Now Habersham has launched a new Facebook feature called Pump Patrol to help you take advantage of the best gas prices in our area. When you see great gas prices in and around Habersham please take a photo of the sign and email it and the location to [email protected] or message us on Facebook. Be sure to include the words ‘Pump Patrol’ in the subject line.
So far, the best prices our readers have found are at Hayes Corner Country Store located at 3226 Hwy. 17 in Clarkesville. As of Monday, Oct. 27, the cash price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline at Hayes was $2.65 per gallon. Store owner, Wayne Allen, says despite the low prices, he’s not losing money. “I make the same margins on my gas all year round. Sometimes I’m a lot higher, sometimes I’m less. I’m just making the same margin I always make and other stores are making higher margins, that’s just a simple fact.”
The gas prices at Hayes Country Corner Store are attracting new customers. Allen says the low prices are his way of saying ‘thanks’ to his customers. “I’ve got good loyal customers who come and buy gas from me when it’s higher than everybody else’s, so when I give it cheaper…I’m just trying to return it back to them because they’re such good customers.”
Be sure to visit Now Habersham on Facebook for Pump Patrol and save money filling up your tank.