White County residents may voice their views about the county’s proposed 2024 budget at a public hearing this afternoon, Thursday, June 13.
Commissioners are considering a $51.6 million spending plan. It includes a $32.9 million general fund budget, which is $4.9 million more than last year’s budget. The proposal largely holds spending steady, with slight increases in library, senior center and court spending.
The largest budgetary shift this year is for Parks and Recreation with a nearly $2.6 million increase. The county is currently constructing a new recreation center at Yonah Preserve.
The proposed budget may be viewed on the White County website.
The White County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on the proposed budget on Thursday, June 13, at 4:30 p.m. in the White County Administration Building Board Room, 1235 Helen Highway in Cleveland.
On Thursday, June 20, at 9 a.m., commissioners will hold a called meeting to consider adopting the budget.
For more information, contact White County Clerk Shanda Murphy at 706-865-2235 or [email protected].