
Death Valley In Bloom

In Death Valley, California, one of the driest places on earth, the landscape is covered with flowers. Because the area received a little more rain than usual, the area has been transformed into a beautiful cascade of flowers. Death Valley normally receives less than 2 inches of rain per year.

When I read this, I thought of times in my life in which I wondered if God had forgotten me. Life was dishing out more than I wanted to take. I wondered when the flowers would bloom for me.

Who would have thought seeds were planted in the deserts of Death Valley, California, that with a little rain, would bloom to the magnificent splendor of this? Very much like our own lives, God will harvest what He has planted in us at just the right, remarkable moment.

When we wait for God; when we trust in His answer; when we put our faith in Him, we will harvest flowers in the desert at just the right time.

Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day” – Psalm 25:5