Monday night, the City of Baldwin unanimously approved the annexation and zoning requests needed for a 10,000 square foot daycare facility to come to the area.
The daycare is owned by the Cumming-based independent daycare group, Aspire Learning. The facility will be built on GA-365, just down the road from where the city recently approved the plans to build a liquor superstore, separated by Hayes Chevrolet.
Baldwin’s city council was previously informed the daycare would care for 60-70 children, but according to new information presented to the council, the daycare will have the facilities to care for up to 200 children. The daycare would also create more than 20 full-time and 2-3 part-time jobs in the region.
“We appreciate them [Aspire Learning] coming into our community, investing in our community, opening up job opportunities for our citizens,” Mayor Joe Elam told the developer’s engineer, Juan Del Rio, Monday night. “The service [they] will be providing is very much so needed.”
The developer is currently in contact with the Georgia Department of Transportation to address what safety infrastructure needs to be added to GA-365 to make the traffic flow in and out of the daycare as safe as possible.
Now that the council has approved the annexation and zoning requests, Del Rio says the developer will begin working on design plans later this week.