Piedmont College responds to coronavirus

School cancels foreign study trips amid concerns


Piedmont College has cancelled study away trips to Italy, Spain, Ireland, Germany, and the Czech Republic that were scheduled for May due to concerns about the Coronavirus, school officials announced today.

The decision impacts approximately 75 students and staff, according to a news release. The college has also appointed a task force to monitor the spread of the virus and listen closely to the advice and directives coming from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Georgia Department of Public Health and others.

“While the threat to our community is low, the situation continues to evolve daily,” said Piedmont President James F. Mellichamp. “Our top priority will always be the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff.”

The college has also posted a Coronavirus website that includes links to online resources. The site (piedmont.edu/coronavirus) will be updated with resources and virus-related college news.