Peek presents Senior Recital at Piedmont

Nikolai Peek will present his Piedmont College senior recital on April 16th at 7:30p.m. in the Chapel.

Nikolai Peek will be performing his senior organ recital in the Piedmont College Chapel April 16th at 7:30PM. Nikolai, the son of Angie and Bryan Peek of Demorest, graduates in May with a BA from Piedmont College with a focus on performance. “I’m playing a number of works. I’m playing Balbastre, Bach, Franck, Mendessohn, Vierne, Bonnet, Langlais. It’s a wide variety of works. It goes from the French Baroque to more of the contemporary,” says Peek.

Nikolai has studied under Piedmont College music professor, now President James Mellichamp, since 2008. Mellichamp is a world renowned organist who Peek respectfully calls his mentor and friend. “I’m very excited,” Peek exclaims, “but it’s all so surreal. I think the emotions will hit me after the recital is over but I just know that this a very big step in my life towards the next goal.”

Peek is now planning his music career.”My plans are to eventually to become an organist and a concert organist. As organist and choir master I would be at a large church and I would direct the music from the organ console,” says Peek. He also hopes to perform concerts. “I would like to go around the world, visit all the cathedrals and perform; that’s my favorite thing to do,” exclaims Peek.

Peek had a lot of input into what he’s performing for his senior recital on Thursday and says he hopes the audience will enjoy it. “I will be using the wide resources of the organ. The entire resource palate of the organ and some of the music is a little contemporary. It will sound a little different to the ears but it’s a good dissonance, it’s a good ending to the program.”

As the sun sets on his time at Piedmont College, Peek looks to make a lasting impression. “I want people to see what the arts, what music has to offer to the community…my goal is to enjoy the organ and to grasp the beauty of it.”

He’ll carry his appreciation for the instrument and love of music to Indiana University this fall: Peek’s been accepted into the school’s music program. He plans to pursue a Masters in Music with a focus on sacred music and organ performance.

With so much ahead of him Peek’s not spending much time looking back. Leaving Piedmont and his family in Demorest will be hard but he’s chasing his dreams and pursuing his passion. He knows where his talent comes from and reminds himself before every performance with this quote from J.S. Bach: “Soleil de gloria.” To God be the Glory. Indeed.


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