Pedestrian struck near Fieldale plant in Cornelia

A pickup truck struck and injured a man walking near the Fieldale chicken processing plant in Cornelia late Monday night.

First responders were called to the scene around 10:10 p.m. by a woman who drove up on the accident just moments after it happened.

“I thought he [the pickup driver] was broke down and I rolled down my passenger side window to ask if he was OK,” Brandy Herring says. “He said he hit something and then I saw the guy laying on the ground.”

Herring called 911. She used her certified nursing assistant (CNA) training to help the injured man until Habersham County Emergency Services arrived. She says it appeared the man was walking along Industrial Boulevard toward Fieldale. The pickup truck’s passenger-side mirror struck him, police say.

The man was hit on this stretch of Industrial Boulevard leading to the Fieldale processing plant in Cornelia. (Daniel Purcell/Now Habersham)

Habersham EMS transported the injured man to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries, according to Baldwin Police Chief Charlie Webb.

As of mid-afternoon Tuesday, Baldwin Police still had not released any new information. The injured man’s name has not been released and it’s not clear at this time whether any charges are pending.


Last updated 4/8/20@15:48am