Over 60 Georgia colleges and universities waiving application fees in March

The University of North Georgia is among the schools waiving student college application fees for the month of March. (Jerry Neace/NowHabersham.com)

High school seniors across the state of Georgia will have the chance to apply for colleges and universities without having to pay applications fees for the entire month of March.

The Georgia Student Finance Commission has partnered with the University System of Georgia, the Technical College System of Georgia, and private institutions to allow high school seniors to apply for colleges without paying application fees between March 1 and 31.

“We are working to let every Georgian know there is a path to a successful career for them right here in the Peach State, starting at one of our institutions of higher learning,” said Governor Brian Kemp.

Students and parents can visit the GAfutures website to find more information about which colleges and universities they wish to apply to. This will also provide instructions for applicants during the application process.

This article comes to Now Habersham in partnership with WUGA News