Outside my window

For several years now, a banana spider has created a web outside my window. Usually, at this time of year, the large colorful creature designs her intricate home and stays until Thanksgiving. Because my desk sits next to the window, I enjoy watching her create the patterns, weaving in and out. I marvel at her patients for it seems when the slightest tear or break occurs, she simply reconstructs and continues on with her plans. When the light hits her web just right, it is spectacular, like a quilt or an artist’s canvas. It is a masterpiece from the smallest of creatures which sits 20 times her size.

I’m not one of those “Ewwww! Creepy crawly creature kind of girls.” I actually enjoy watching all forms of nature and when my husband took a big soapy brush and nozzle to our windows, I quickly reminded him not to bother my spider web.

“I see a blog coming,” he remarked as he often does, extending his hand in the air dramatically, “Finding perseverance in a spider’s web.”


How many times are our lives torn apart, like the web outside of my window? Obstacles blow into our planned designs and interfere with our dreams. How many times do we have to start over and rebuild? And how often do we throw in the towel and quit?

I read that the the spider’s silk is being used in bullet proof vests. I’m not sure if that is true or not, but how amazing that such strength comes from something so small. I want perseverance like that. I want to be able to reconstruct and push through just like the spider. I want the kind of peace to know no matter the obstacle, what comes from inside me can withstand a bullet too.

James 1:12,  “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”

A spider’s purpose is found in the strength of her web. Everything about her life is centered in her web. Our purpose is found in the strength of our relationship with God. Everything about our lives is centered in Him. How she maintains her web, repairs, reconstructs, and positions it determines her sustainability. How we maintain our faith is significantly similar.

Perseverance under trial…when we have stood the test…we will receive the crown.

Before you take a broom to the next web you see, take a moment to marvel at its beauty and strength. Remind yourself, what’s inside you can withstand the trial you are under, you only need to persevere.





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