There’s been a tremendous outpouring of community support for the Hall County deputy who lost his wife and two young children in a car wreck on July 16 in Habersham County. Now, those who would like to donate to help him with funeral and other expenses have a way to do that.
The Hall County Sheriff’s Office has established a fund benefiting Deputy Neil Holtzclaw through the Georgia Law Enforcement Organization. The organization is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, so any donations will be tax deductible. According to the sheriff’s office, no percentage will be deducted from any donation – all money will go directly to Deputy Holtzclaw.
You can access the donation page at the following link: https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/5/1uwy4p6xij4n?fbclid=IwAR0lmu3vlMWsslKk5GeIuXLl3e4yQ995V_1Mjs9Dc10ADBisa6cfZpbyQL8
The day after the wreck, Hall County Sheriff Gerald Couch pledged his steadfast support for Deputy Holtzclaw in the days ahead.
In addition to the financial support, Sheriff Couch asks for continued prayers for the Holtzclaw and his family.
The wreck that killed Holtzclaw’s wife, Avonlea, and the couple’s two young children, Colton, 6, and Maddie Kate, 5, also claimed the lives of Mitch Boggs of Marietta and a passenger. While authorities have not officially identified the passenger, his friends and family have publicly identified him as Seyhan Kilincci.
According to multiple sources and a Go Fund Me page set up in his name, Kilincci was General Manager of Project EG, a driving school and automotive group for which he organized track days and rallies.