The sports fields and courts at the Habersham County Parks and Recreation Department will be quiet a while longer. On Monday, the department canceled its spring basketball season in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Rapids Futbol program, which plays on county-owned fields, also canceled its soccer season.
Habersham County Parks and Recreation Director Kurt Cooper says they made every attempt to extend the seasons in an effort to save them, but due to Habersham County’s “unique rise in positive cases it became clear that we must cancel.”
It’s a tough blow to hundreds of local youth and their families. Three-hundred-twenty youth were registered to play basketball this spring. Those who paid to play will be issued refunds.
“I felt it was best to fully refund basketball participants since we had yet to make an investment in uniforms and equipment (a $10,000 plus investment). And if we were going to offer basketball it should be fun and adequate. Us trying to run a condensed basketball season in only our two gyms over the summertime with holidays and vacations would not have been adequate,” Cooper explains.
In his thirteen years as a parks and recreation professional, Cooper says he has never had to cancel a season when participation is great. “With that being said, this spring basketball season should have already begun three weeks ago. And the current pandemic situation with COVID-19 is not allowing us to offer a fun, safe, and quality program with the current social distancing guidelines.”
The county already had canceled its track & field season.
Finishing what was started; salvaging what they can
Habersham’s parks and rec staff are now focused on salvaging the volleyball season which was postponed until June 1. “We had already made an investment in volleyball by purchasing equipment and uniforms,” says Cooper. “Volleyball has three weeks remaining to complete the program; basketball had not even begun. Therefore, we are making our best effort to finish what we started.” Another big difference between the two programs is that volleyball only has 83 participants and with the condensed timeframe, he says, that “gives us a fighting chance.” Still, Cooper acknowledges that the odds of even completing the volleyball season are “stacked against us.”
The county postponed its gymnastics season until June 1. Habersham County Little League, which works with the county recreation department, also is postponed until June.
The recreation department’s youth football and cheerleading season is still scheduled to begin in late July. Registration is now underway. Forms can be found on the athletics page of the county website at https://www.habershamga.com/athletics.cfm. They may be completed and mailed to 120 Paul Franklin Rd Clarkesville, Ga 30523 along with payment. The cost is $125 for football and $115 for cheerleading. The deadline to register is May 29.
The Habersham County Church softball league has pushed back its season until fall.
Facilities and updated schedule
The Ruby C. Fulbright Aquatic Center and Gymnastics Center are closed to the public until further notice. Only Habersham County staff and officials are allowed into the facilities. All rentals and activities scheduled before May 18 will be canceled. Renters and event organizers may reschedule or receive a refund.
Parks and Recreation Operated Programs:
• Spring Basketball canceled
• Volleyball postponed until June 1
• Track & Field canceled
• Habersham County Gymnastics postponed until June 1
Habersham County Associations:
• Habersham County Little League is postponing until June 1
• Rapids Futbol Club spring league is canceled
• Habersham County Church League Softball schedule postponed until fall
Ruby C. Fulbright Aquatic Center:
The Aquatic Center is closed to the public until further notice. Only Habersham County staff and officials have access to the facility. All rentals and/or activities that are scheduled before May 18th will be canceled and given the opportunity to reschedule or refund.
Youth Football and Cheerleading registration began April 1, please email or call to register remotely. 706-839-0234 or [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
All fields are closed until further notice.
Habersham County Gymnastics Center:
The Gymnastics Center is closed to the public until further notice. Only Habersham County staff and officials have access to the facility. All rentals and/or activities that are scheduled before May 18th will be canceled and given the opportunity to reschedule or refund. Please call or email to register remotely.