With only 24 days left in the 2020-2021 school year, the Habersham Board of Education celebrated “double zeroes” at tonight’s monthly meeting– there were no positive cases of COVID-19 in students or teachers in Habersham schools today.
The school board is looking forward to normalcy with this exciting news, announcing tonight that the school system will plan for a normal graduation ceremony without a cap on the number of guests per student.
Help for students behind due to distance learning
The board also announced their plans for students who are behind due to distanced learning. High school students will have the option to attend a summer school program, which the school system will provide transportation for. The Ninth Grade Academy will offer a special summer school program for rising eighth-grade students. Habersham middle schools will offer additional remediation classes and will receive new staff specifically to work with these students in their remediation.
Habersham elementary schools will focus on first and second-grade students struggling with reading by bringing in additional paraprofessionals specifically trained in literacy to work with students face-to-face. “This will give us, I think, the most well-rounded literacy program anybody around us has,” said Director of Elementary Curriculum Rhonda Andrews.
Teacher pay supplements
In other news from Monday night’s BOE meeting, all Habersham school employees will receive the $1,000 supplement proposed by Gov. Brian Kemp and State Superintendent Richard Woods next Friday, Apr. 30.
The board also unanimously passed a resolution to move $3 million from their general fund to the local capital projects fund to improve “equipment and facilities related to student opportunities beyond the classroom.”
You can view the live-stream of the meeting here.