Executive Director of Take Back the Night, Katie Koestner, will be the featured guest speaker.
North Georgia Technical College will host its first Take Back the Night event on April 20 at 6 p.m. on the Clarkesville Campus.
The event is being held in partnership with Circle of Hope and Rape Response. Take Back the Night is an international event and non-profit organization with the mission of ending sexual, relationship and domestic violence.
The free event at North Georgia Tech will include a candlelight vigil, keynote address, one-mile glow walk around campus and showing of the movie Wonder Woman. The event is open to the entire community and is appropriate for all ages.
The keynote address will be presented by Katie Koestner, the first woman in history to speak out nationally about being the victim of campus date rape. She appeared on the cover of TIME Magazine and was the subject of an HBO movie.
“This event is about awareness,” says NGTC Campus Life Director Sherry Seal. “We hope that people will come out and bring their whole family to hear about an issue that unfortunately does affect our community.”
To register for the event, please visit https://northgatech.edu/take-back-the-night. For more information on the event, contact Sherry Seal at 706-754-7730 or [email protected].
Photo: Facebook