NGTC participates in National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Toccoa, GA – National Disability Employment Awareness Month traces its roots back to 1945, when Congress enacted a law declaring the first week in October each year “National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week.” In 1962, the word “physically” was removed to acknowledge the employment needs and contributions of individuals with all types of disabilities. In 1988, Congress expanded the week to a month and changed the name to National Disability Employment Awareness Month. North Georgia Technical College proudly participates in NDEA month by continuing to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities.

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Lisa Brumbelow is the Distance Learning Facilitator on the Currahee campus in Stephens County.

One glowing example can be found right here within the NGTC family. Lisa Brumbelow, Distance Learning Facilitator on the Currahee campus, is a disabled worker. You may have seen her rolling by in the hallways at Currahee or on the Clarkesville campus with her sunglasses perched on top of her head. Lisa is in a motorized wheelchair. She was diagnosed at 2 years old with Muscular Dystrophy, a progressive, incurable muscle disorder that causes severe weakness. As a child, Lisa was still able to walk with the help of a leg brace. But, by the age of 22 Lisa could no longer safely walk or move around and began to use a wheel chair.

Brumbelow spent the next 15 years as a stay at home mom to her 2 sons. “Once the kids were old enough, I began looking for something new to keep me going, Brumbelow says. Lisa’s brother, Matt Brown, who was also severely disabled was a source of inspiration and encouragement for her. “He never let it stop him from doing what he wanted to do,” she boasts. After he passed away in 2003, Lisa took his advice to heart and enrolled in adult education classes at NGTC to complete her GED®. Brumbelow then continued on to graduate with honors with her Associates Degree in Applied Business Technology.

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Brumbelow has Muscular Dystrophy and is confined to a wheelchair. She’s worked at NGTC for 7 years.

While still enrolled, Lisa started working at the college, first in the library then as a Distance Learning Facilitator. She is responsible for managing the audio/visual connections needed for distance classes as well as assisting the teachers with their presentations and collecting quizzes and tests. With classes on all three campuses, she is often the first person students come to with questions or concerns. “I love my job! It saved my life; it gives me something to look forward to everyday,” says Brumbelow. She most enjoys the interaction with the students. She sees many students, who like her, were nervous and hesitant about starting or re-starting their education. She is always quick to offer words of encouragement or share her experiences with them. “Make a goal, then succeed,” is her simple advice.

“For 7 years, Lisa Brumbelow has been a loyal employee of North Georgia Technical College,” said Daniel Gregg, NGTC Director of Career Development and Disability Support Services. “She is a valued friend and colleague, a mentor to students, and a shining example of the courage of disabled workers all across the nation. We are proud to have Lisa in our family, and look forward to many more years with her.”

To learn more about disabled workers or for more information on National Disability Employability Awareness Month, visit For additional information on the programs of study at North Georgia Technical College, visit or call 706-754-7700.