North Georgia Technical College will host a Program Preview for prospective students and family members from 4-7 p.m. on Thursday, June 13, at the NGTC Toccoa Campus.
This marks the second year the college has hosted such an event.
The drop-in event will feature live, hands-on program demonstrations by NGTC faculty. There are 20 programs participating this year including advanced manufacturing, agriculture, automotive collision, automotive technology, business management, business technology, commercial truck driving, CNC, cosmetology, criminal justice, culinary, early childhood education, EMT & paramedicine, HVAC, medical assisting, pharmacy technology, photography, practical nursing, registered nursing and welding.
There will be programs from all three NGTC campuses represented. The college says anyone interested in learning more is welcome to attend.
Representatives from financial aid, admissions, campus life, residence hall, adult education, continuing education and internship programs will also be on site to answer questions. NGTC will also be waiving the $25 application fee for students who apply for registration at the event, according to a press release from the college.
“This is a wonderful opportunity for interested students and parents to visit campus and meet the instructors to find out if NGTC is a good match for the student’s career interests and goals,” says NGTC Vice President for Community and College Relations Amy Hulsey. “We will have representatives from all areas of the college present to answer questions and make the event a ‘one-stop-shop’ for families to drop in and receive the information they need to potentially enroll.”
RSVP to [email protected] by June 11 and receive a free t-shirt.
For more information, visit northgatech.edu or call 706-754-7700.