North Georgia Technical College’s welding program recently awarded the three area high school student SkillsUSA region winners with numerous welding supplies that were generously donated by local companies.
The first, second and third place winners received a total of more than $6,200 worth of prizes from Patterson Pump, The United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters, Safety Plus Inc., Lincoln Electric, Miller Electric, IMI, Airgas, Will Schakat, and Corey Brawner. Also, each welding competitor received gloves and safety glasses and the winning student advisor received a Miller Elite welding helmet.
Pictured are from right, Mark Adams, advisor to first place winner (not pictured) Blake Turner from White County High School; NGTC welding instructors Dusty Bolman and Fernando Arenas; second place winner John Wilbanks from North Hall High School; NGTC welding instructor Ronnie Ayers; Franklin County High School advisor Wayne Ertzberger; and third place winner Owen Pruitt from Franklin County High School.