NGTC announces top college honors

GOAL and RPA Winners announced at Habersham Rotary

Pictured, left to right, are NGTC 2022 RPA winner Adam Fulbright, NGTC President John Wilkinson and NGTC 2022 GOAL winner Brian Carlucci.

Brian Carlucci of Blue Ridge is North Georgia Technical College’s 2022 Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership (GOAL) winner. Nominated by his instructor Dr. Martha Marquardt, Carlucci is a registered nursing student from the Blairsville campus.

GOAL, a statewide program of the Technical College System of Georgia, started in 1971 and continues to honor excellence in academics and leadership among the state’s technical college students. GOAL candidates are nominated by an instructor and must maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher and demonstrate strong work ethics and leadership skills. Local GOAL winners are selected at each of the state’s 22 technical colleges.

GOAL Finalists (l to r): Courtney Holbrooks, Jessica Garner, NGTC President John Wilkinson, Ashley Pankey and GOAL winner Brian Carlucci.

Students representing various programs across North Georgia Technical College’s campuses were nominated as candidates to represent NGTC in the state competition. The top four finalists selected for the 2022 GOAL award included Ashley Pankey, a registered nursing student from Blairsville, nominated by instructor Dr. Martha Marquardt; Jessica Garner, a practical nursing student from Gainesville, nominated by instructor Sharon McFarland; Courtney Holbrooks, a practical nursing student from Clayton, nominated by instructor Sharon McFarland; and Carlucci.

NGTC presented the Rick Perkins Award for Excellence in Technical Instruction this year to advanced manufacturing program director and instructor Adam Fulbright. Fulbright has been employed with the college since 2018.

The Rick Perkins Award honors technical education’s most outstanding instructors by recognizing those who make significant contributions to technical education through innovation and leadership in their fields. One instructor is chosen each year from the 22 colleges in the Technical College System of Georgia.

Fulbright provides instruction in the theory and practical applications of industrial wiring, motor controls, fluid power and mechanics, and computers used for industrial automation. He is an honor graduate of NGTC in Industrial Systems Technology and a dean’s scholar from Athens Technical College in Electrical Systems Technology.

“It is a tremendous honor to recognize these students and faculty members for their hard work and perseverance,” said NGTC President John Wilkinson during the awards presentation on Jan. 27 at the Habersham Rotary meeting. “These students and faculty members have faced many challenges and triumphs along the way, yet they have continued to go the extra mile to compete for these prestigious awards. I commend each of them for their dedication to excellence and desire to represent our college and would like to congratulate them for this achievement.”

Both the GOAL and Rick Perkins Award winners will now advance to represent NGTC at the region competition, which will be held on March 1.