‘Surprise medical billing’ senate bill still alive
The issue of surprise medical billing continues to be the legislative topic I am hearing most about from people in the district. I wrote...
Lawmakers tackle “surprise medical billing”
“Surprise medical billing” has been a hot topic in the General Assembly this session, and I am hearing about this issue from many folks...
GA Senate forms task force to address mental health and substance abuse issues
Friday, February 17 will mark the halfway point for the current legislative session. We are fully involved in the committee process and passing legislation...
Firefighter insurance bill revisited
Following last year’s legislative session, several bills that were important to House members were vetoed by the Governor. In most cases, the bills’ authors...
Lawmakers pass $24.3 billion state budget
Amended budget includes increases for education, state law enforcement and foster parents
A Busy Time....
It's been a busy couple of weeks at the Georgia House,...
Rep. Rogers: 2017 legislative session off to a fast start
We are officially underway in the 2017 legislative session, and it's shaping up to have some interesting issues. On Monday, January 9th, we were...
Senate Update: Budget hearings convene
Editor's Note: This is the first in a continuing series of legislative updates from 50th District State Senator John Wilkinson.
Every January, the legislative session arrives...
Rep. Terry Rogers: Disappointed By Religious Freedom Bill Veto, Proud of Military Protection Act
On Thursday, March 24, the 2016 legislative session came to an end when the House and Senate completed the 40th and final legislative day,...
Sen. John Wilkinson: Final Update from the State Senate
The 2016 Georgia General Assembly session officially came to an end on March 24th as the Senate adjourned Sine Die. The term "Sine Die"...
Sen. John Wilkinson: Education Spending and Transparency
The finish line of the 2016 legislative session is drawing near with the last day scheduled for March 24. Although your state legislators have...
Rep. Dan Gasaway: Gambling Off the Table…For Now
Lawmakers shy away from vote on gambling; turn eyes to the skies for economic development
Week Eight of the 2016 Georgia General Assembly is complete...
Rep. Terry Rogers: Crossover Day, Cannabis Cultivation and Casinos
Georgia House drops controversial legislation, guards against stolen valor with Georgia Military Service Integrity and Preservation Act
Monday, February 29 marked "Crossover Day" in the Georgia...