Protect property rights: Reject the overreaching Derelict Vehicles Ordinance
To the Habersham County Commissioners,
During the monthly commissioner’s meeting yesterday I heard about, and subsequently read, the proposed Derelict Vehicles Ordinance with some concern....
Full Medicaid expansion in Georgia – more than 10 years overdue
“It is unconscionable for Governor Deal to stand in the way of the availability of health care… We are paying the overwhelming cost of...
We must prioritize election security
Dear Editor,
Following one of the highest voter turnouts in American history, our nation must continue to prioritize election security — not just during election...
A call for compassion: A transgender perspective
“Then they came for me—
And there was no one left
To speak for me.”
-Pastor Martin Niemöller, “First They Came”
Dear Now Habersham Editors and, more specifically,...
What if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were alive today?
He would be 96 years old and have lived through many difficult times. He'd probably have several great-grandchildren and have written a few best-sellers....
Georgia Lawmakers: Don’t miss your chance to hold pharmacy middlemen accountable
Editor’s Note: Dorothy Leone-Glasser, RN, HHC is Executive Director of Advocates for Responsible Care and Rx in Reach GA. The views expressed in this...
Kentuckian made ‘pilgrimage’ to Plains, says honor Jimmy Carter’s memory by loving humanity
In the summer of 2019, I embarked on a pilgrimage to attend Jimmy Carter’s Sunday school class at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia....
Georgia governor’s prayers for classroom safety not enough to stop gun violence
Editor's Note: Jack Bernard is the former Director of Health Planning for Georgia and a corporate SVP. He is currently Chairman of the Board...
So you’re gathering with relatives whose politics are different. Here are some tips for...
NEW YORK (AP) — There's no place like home for the holidays. And that may not necessarily be a good thing.
In the wake of...
We’re all gonna be alright
When I woke up the morning after the election, I was hit with a wave of emotions. The reality of the election results, which...
It’s almost over!
Whew!!! We are almost finished with the 2024 Presidential race. ….. I pray. We should fall to our knees because we need our souls...
Loving America to death?
A few years ago, during a presidential election, a long-time friend and I were not on the same page regarding voting. She was adamant...