Drivers on the north end of Habersham County no longer have to detour around New Liberty Road. The road reopened Tuesday evening to much relief and little fanfare.
The fanfare part will come later this week. For now, drivers can enjoy shaving time off their commutes into town.
“I am very happy with how the County Road Department and the contractor worked together to get this road open early. It has been a huge inconvenience to many people adding time to their workdays for 5 months,” says Habersham County Commissioner Tim Stamey.
Stamey, who lives in Batesville, understands the strain the detour has caused. He was one of the first to drive on the newly reopened roadway and shared photos with Now Habersham.
The section of New Liberty Road that crosses over Shoal Creek was closed on October 21, 2020, due to damage caused by historic rains during Hurricane Delta. Delta damaged a culvert and washed away some of the soil beneath the road, causing over $600,000 in damage.
Crews still have to put up guardrails. The county has planned a road reopening ceremony at 10 a.m. on March 26. The event is open to the public. It will be held at the intersection of New Liberty Road and Cardinal Court.
Repairs must still be made to the Pardue Mill Road bridge west of Clarkesville. That project, also a result of Hurricane Delta, is expected to be completed by May 30.