Mt. Airy brother and sister win Now Habersham costume contest

Boy who dressed as Marine for Halloween wants to use his part of the prize money to buy Christmas gifts for real Marines serving overseas

Hundreds were charmed by their photo. The joyful smile on her face; the dutiful gaze in his eyes. It was like looking at a photo from the 1940s only, this Doughboy and USO girl are just 5 and 4 years old.

Tucker Pearson and his younger sister EllaRae won Now Habersham’s HABoween Costume Contest. The picture their mother Lori Runyan Pearson submitted was among more than 400 entries. By the time voting ended at midnight Nov. 3, Tucker and EllaRae’s World War II tribute had been liked 698 times.

Their mother says she always has a great time designing and making the kids’ Halloween costumes. She’s had plenty of practice. EllaRae and Tucker are the youngest of Lori and Harold Pearson’s nine children.

“This year with a big election coming up, I wanted to honor a time in history when our country was unified and full of patriotism,” explains Lori. “The 40s is such a visually beautiful time in American history and I wanted to bring that in as well.”

A Marine Corps family

Patriotism is something the Pearsons know well: They come from a long line of Marines. “We are a Marine Corps family,” says Lori. “My late father-in-law was a decorated career Marine, my husband Harold and his three brothers are all Marine veterans, and one of our oldest sons is currently a Sgt. in the Marine Corps.”

That’s not all.

Donations accepted through Nov. 16, 2018. Stockings will be mailed the week of Thanksgiving.

“We have another son who will be going to boot camp to become a Marine soon!” Lori adds.

With all of those role models before him, Tucker understands what ‘wearing the uniform’ means. His mom says he knew the uniform he wore for Halloween was just a costume but he was proud to wear it. “He certainly has a patriot heart,” she says.

EllaRae, too, was excited to wear  “makes-up”, her mom says. “We explained to them the important role women had during that time and the importance of the USO.”

Giving back

Just as the USO strengthens America’s military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country, the Pearson’s are doing their part there, too.

The family has been collecting donations to stuff stockings to send to deployed Marines this Christmas. When Tucker learned he and his sister won the $25 VISA gift card prize for the costume contest, his mom says he told her he wants to use his half to get things for the stockings.

You can help, too, by purchasing stocking stuffers to send to U.S. Marines overseas. Items needed include snacks (see list), playing cards, hand warmers, crossword/word search puzzles, iTunes gift cards, travel size toiletries (male and female), Christmas stockings, and signed Christmas cards.

If you’d like to help, you may drop off your donations at the Grant-Reeves VFW Post 7720 in Cornelia on Thursdays from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. and Fridays from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Donations will be accepted through November 16th.

The post is located at 423 VFW Post Road, Cornelia, GA 30531.