Suicide Squad marks DC’s third installment of their cinematic universe and it actually brings a level of fun that’s been previously missing in their earlier efforts. With all the superhero outings we’ve been exposed to this year, it’s not nearly as much fun as Deadpool, but it is better than Batman v Superman.
The movie takes villains from DC’s universe and puts them together for a kind of Dirty Dozen-esque mission. Will Smith stars as Deadshot, an expert marksman; Margot Robbie is Harley Quinn, a former psychiatrist who turns crazy at the hands of a certain psychotic Clown Prince of Crime; Jay Hernandez is Diablo who has the ability to shoot flames out of his hands; Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje is Killer Croc, a half-man, half-crocodile who eats people and Jai Courtney is Captain Boomerang, an Australian criminal.
They are brought together for a special mission by a government official named Amanda Waller (Viola Davis). Their reward is that they will receive 10 years off their prison sentences if the mission is a success. If they fail, they die. Joel Kinnaman costars as their leader who takes no guff from any of them.
Their mission is to stop a supernatural creature known as the Enchantress (Cara Delevingne) who’s bent on (What else?) destroying the world. Not to give anything away, but during the climax when the Suicide Squad and the Enchantress collide, it often reminded me of the finale of Ghostbusters on steroids.
While all this happening, the Joker (Jared Leto) is busy with his own agenda, but it’s never quite explained why he’s there or his part in the plot. Even with that, Leto’s performance is creepy, menacing, and charismatic.
There’s a perfectly entertaining movie here and I wish writer/director David Ayer would’ve taken more time to develop his characters further. When we do the collective backstories, they’re bombarded with this relentlessly-pounding iconic songs and it leaves the characters’ motivations sketchy at best. During those times, it often bounces like an overextended music video.
Having some gripes, I am recommending it all the same for Suicide Squad because there is some good stuff in it especially for the hardcore DC fans who will be thrilled at some occasional Easter eggs as well as hints of how DC plans to continue to extend its universe.
It doesn’t end the summer movie season the way people hope it will, but it can be a lot of fun.