Jigsaw marks the eighth installment of the Saw franchise and it pretty much gives us more of “splatter there, decapitate that.”
This movie continues the twisted games of the killer known as Jigsaw and this time his latest victims are placed in a barn and forced to confess their wrongdoings or, you guessed it, be killed in a gruesome fashion.
The torture scenes aren’t very exciting or surprising in this movie, but it does contain more of the same that fans have come to expect, especially stuff involving syringes and a grain silo.
There’s also a ridiculous, convoluted plot involving detectives investigating both the crimes as they’re being perpetrated and a series of corrupt acts inside the police department and many suspect there might be a connection between the two. Gee, I never would’ve seen that coming by this point in the series.
I have a feeling with this latest effort, the filmmakers were only interested in concocting the torture scenes and making up some jumbled mess of a plot. It feels like some missing pages of the script either fell out or were invented on the spot.
What’s worse is that it’s promising another one as the filmmakers are intending to milk the proverbial cash cow yet again. That’s assuming, of course, they haven’t slaughtered the cow.