Missing money total doubles in Demorest

While most people in Habersham were settling in for a night of election watching or celebrating the end of those dreaded commercials, officials in Demorest were learning that the investigation into the missing money from the city coffers revealed that the amount of money missing is actually $598,000. “Due to the diligence of the accounting firm of Duncan and Kitchens, we now know that the funds began missing in 2009 and continued until May of 2013, when they stopped.” Austin went on to say, ” I am pleased that we have a distinct starting point and ending point. Our investigator is making good progress in his work, he reports daily to our city attorney, who in turn reports to the council.”  Duncan and Kitchens, is the Clarkesville accounting firm hired to dig into the city books.

Originally Demorest revealed that $222,000 was missing from the fiscal year 2012. In September of 2014, another $53,661 was added as missing from 2013. Additionally in September, Mayor Rick Austin anounced that the GBI, which had been handling the investigation was unable to place the investigation in action due to the other pressing needs across the state. The investigation remains open with the GBI, but the Demorest City Council members invoked section 2.16 of the City Charter that allows the City to open and manage their own investigation. Mike Eason, a former GBI veteran of 30 years, was hired.  Mayor Austin said, “I take this very seriously along with my fellow council members. This money belongs to the Citizens of Demorest and we will get to the bottom of this and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, the perpetrator or perpetrators.” The investgation is expected to draw to a close in 2014.