Microwaved mask goes up in smoke

(photo submitted by White County Public Safety)

A person trying to sanitize a cloth face mask in the microwave got quite a scare Tuesday.

White County 911 sent firefighters around 1 p.m. to the scene of a reported camper fire in the Mountain Lakes Resort north of Cleveland.

When firefighters arrived, there was no evidence of a fire but the owner said there had been. The owner was outside when they smelled something burning. When they went inside, the camper was full of smoke.

This is what the mask looked like before it burned in the microwave (photo submitted by White County Public Safety)

As firefighters investigated, one looked inside the microwave and found the remnants of a charred mask. The surprised owner said they put it in the microwave to sanitize it and forgot about it. They didn’t realize it would catch fire.

Fortunately, no one was injured.

Public safety officials urge the public to be careful when attempting to sanitize masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE). Check the CDC website for proper sanitizing techniques.


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