It is the best kept rumor ever, if untrue. But then again, so is Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy until the age of about 10. No, for unbelievers or skeptics, there has to be an admittance. The Christmas Story offers a bit more than a children’s fairy tale.
If a current event of today, we’d see it posted on all the tabloids – virgin girl pregnant – and we’d dismiss it with the shrug of a hand and brief chuckle. Face Book statuses would connect a link. There would be those who would consider it; some would think it a hacker’s virus; and others would “not go there.”
Last night I was driving home from Gainesville, late. For whatever reason, as I sat at a red light, my eye caught a man, dressed as impoverished, standing on the side of the road. His arms were out stretched. His head was lifted to the sky and occasionally he would jump up and down. Curiously, I cracked my window to hear what he was shouting. It was words of praise to God.
My first uncontrolled thought was he must be mentally unbalanced and I felt sorry for him. But I began to rethink my response. How truly beautiful, to stand in awe of God, without concern for anyone’s thoughts. To stand and gaze at the stars brightly displayed above unconcerned whether those who sat and glared thought judgmental, accusing words. For a brief moment I imagined joining him at the busy corner, but fear of safety kept me from doing so.
A King was sent to save His people from death. A Savior, who did not come to earth as He deserved in splendor and grandeur, but came for ALL people to give us the chance to live in eternity with Him. He came during a most trying time for the Jewish people because of Roman rule. While many accepted Him – many did not. While many were afraid of Him or stood in judgment of Him, others saw Who He really was.
The world has not changed much since the day the angel told Mary, a virgin, she would carry the Son of God. We have kind, compassionate, thoughtful men, like Joseph, who would choose to marry her rather than see her stoned. We have wise men who seek and search for the truth in the scriptures and would do whatever it takes to find Jesus. We have Pharisees and Sadducees who want only their legalisms and Biblical principles to apply. There are Thomas’s who will only believe if given undeniable evidence. We have Peter’s who know the truth but want to deny Him out of fear of judgment; and we have Mary Magdalene’s, who know what it is like to be given a second chance, and because of it, devote their lives to Him.
The Christmas Story has much to offer to all of us if we are willing to see its true meaning. Sometimes the truth is difficult to accept because we want proof. We want evidence of God’s existence our way.
God reveals Himself to us in so many different ways and the story of Jesus’ birth is only a glimpse of what He is all about. The truth of the Christmas Story is, it was the day that changed everything for those who believe. That is worth standing on the corner at a busy intersection and shouting praises to His name.
Maybe next time, I will join him.