Massive man hunt underway for armed gunman. Sheriff shot

joey terrellEarlier this evening, Sheriff Joey Terrell and Deputy Bill Zigan responded to a domestic dispute call off Highway 17 near Hayes Corner. ReliableAccording to Phil Sutton, Habersham County Manager, Terrell and Zigan were both shot and wounded in the ensuing struggle. One person is confirmed dead, but the name is being withheld pending notification of family.  Both deputies were taken to Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville. The injuries are not life-threatening and full recoveries are expected.

An intense manhunt is underway and speculation is running rampant on social media. The Sherriff’s office requests that everyone PLEASE stay inside and do not speculate or post on what may or may not be going on in the manhunt.

Due to foggy conditions, effforts to search by air may be stymied.

Now Habersham will continue to update as more information is available.