Market Week of September 6….

This time of year finds the Farmer’s Market winding down. School starts and live begins to make more demands on families. Does this mean that the offerings at the market are less and not worth getting up and heading over on Saturday? Absolutely not! Fall brings a renewal in the garden, the long hot summer days are tapering off and the cooler temps bring new fall crops. Some favorites from Spring return such as spinach, kale, chard other new items appear to usher in the fall season. Squash turns from summer crooknecks and zucchini to acorn and butternut begging to be made into silky easy soups or roasted for side dishes, even stuffed as main dishes. Pumpkins arrive and bring the promise of ghoulies and ghosties and the beautiful colors of fall.

So join us this week!

Looking good: beans, potatoes, squash, kale, chard, herbs, peppers, apples

Coming to and end: Corn, tomatoes

Clarkesville’s Farmer’s Market is Saturday from 9-12 through October

Holland Produce is open 6 days a week on Highway 15 across from Habersham Hardware in Clarkesville

Jaemor Farms is located on Highway 365 just south of the Habersham County Line.