Georgia’s electric providers are asking the public to do their part to help them deliver safe, reliable service during this COVID-19 pandemic. Dalton Utilities, Georgia’s EMCs, Georgia Power and MEAG Power issued a joint press release urging the public to keep their distance from utility crews working in their communities.
“Whether it’s critical infrastructure work or emergency repairs due to damage from storms, trees or vehicles, crews are working hard every day to keep the lights on while maintaining safety standards and following guidelines of medical professionals when working in the field,” the joint release states. “Residents can help by not approaching crews and keeping a safe social distance of six feet or more.”
Additionally, worksites often contain potential dangers and approaching crews can lead to dangerous distractions for workers or accidents for citizens.
“Utility workers provide an essential service during this crisis and are critical to keeping the lights on,” the electric companies say. “By giving utility crews space of 6 feet or more, residents can help ensure the health and safety of all involved.”
The companies listed four ways the public can help and safely show appreciation:
- If you see utility crews, please stay back a minimum of six feet – much more if they are working.
- Please, no cookies or treats for workers during this time. Give a wave or thumbs up to workers you see. They’ll understand your gratitude as they work to keep the lights on.
- Don’t touch utility trucks or equipment. Electric providers are operating under modified conditions to keep workers safe, which includes additional cleaning and sanitation of tools and equipment.
- Post your appreciation for lineworkers on social media using the hashtag #ThankALineman. April is lineworker appreciation month.