Local veterans honor POW/MIA Recognition Day

The Grant Reeves VFW combined Honor Guard performs a ceremony for POW/MIA Recognition Day at the KIA war monument in downtown Clarkesville Friday morning. (Jerry Neace/NowHabersham.com)

Veterans from local veterans organizations honored POW/MIA Recognition Day at the KIA war monument next to the gazebo in downtown Clarkesville Friday morning.

Captain of the Grant-Reeves VFW combined Honor Guard Jim Morgan addressed those in attendance about the importance of honoring those veterans that are still missing and were prisoners of war. “An aspect of our Veteran Service Organizations is to lend our voice to support America’s prisoners of war and those still missing. They are owed every ounce of gratitude we can summon as a nation.” Morgan said.

More than 81,000 missing

More than 81,000 American soldiers remain missing since World War II. The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency travels to battlefields around the world to bring the fullest accounting possible for America’s missing in action. The organization “works to reunite families with their loved ones,” he said.

The Honor Guard performs at 21 gun salute during the ceremony at the KIA war monument in downtown Clarkesville. (Jerry Neace/NowHabersham.com)

For some of the prisoners of war and the missing in action, “They are still waiting on their final flight home. As the years pass and the memories of those sent off to war become more distant for many, we must keep in mind those whose personal experiences make it ever present, Those who lived it and those who continue to wait and wonder about the ultimate fate of their loved one.” Morgan said.

He concluded, “We hope you will all join our organizations in keeping in your heart our nation’s POW’s and our missing in action.”

The Honor Guard provided a twenty-one gun salute as Kenneth Franklin performed Taps at the KIA war monument.

Recognition across the country

After the ceremony, Morgan spoke with Now Habersham about the POW/MIA Recognition Day. ”All over the county, other honor guards, other veterans service organizations are paying tribute to the missing in action,” he said.

He explained the significance of the day. “It’s just a day we try to set aside to keep their memories alive, in hopes that we can someday, find their remains, then bring them home for a proper burial and for the relief of their families.”

Kenneth Franklin plays Taps during the POW/MIA Recognition Day ceremony Friday morning. (Jerry Neace/NowHabersham.com)

The Grant Reeves VFW combined Honor Guard is made up of members from several veteran organizations. Those organizations include Cornelia and Clayton Veterans of Foreign War posts, the Cornelia and Clayton American Legion posts, and the local Disabled American Veterans chapters.

For more information about the combined Honor Guard, please go to grantreevesveteran.center/honor-guard.

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