Wow! There sure are a bushel of green thumb gardeners in our area! The entries you submitted during our Green Thumb Gardening contest painted a beautiful picture of spring with tender perennials, young vegetables, flowering trees, and some imaginative planting designs. Thank you so much for sharing your passion for gardening with us.
And the winner is…Beatrice Frankum.
Beatrice has been gardening for 28 years and was thrilled to learn she had won the $25 gift certificate from Lowe’s in Cornelia!
“I love perennials and planting vegetables. My lettuce reseeded from last year but this year I’ll be adding squash, okra, and tomatoes. The gift certificate will help buy some more plants, either flowers or veggies,” says Beatrice.
Gardening is a family affair. She inherited her mother’s passion for planting and one of her most prized possessions is the creeping phlox that was transplanted for her Grandpa’s yard many years ago.
“He died when I was very young so it is a constant reminder and memory of him.”
Many thanks to Lowe’s in Cornelia for adding a few plants to Beatrice’s garden with the donation of the gift certificate. And thanks to all of YOU for your entries.
Happy planting.