Sometimes, it’s only through hindsight that God’s involvement can be clearly seen in our circumstances. During the past couple of weeks, as people have called out for racial equality and equal treatment, God has been at work in Habersham County. In the national outcry against the death of George Floyd, God has called local pastors, churches, and believers, to speak against injustice.
This past Friday night’s rally in Clarkesville was peaceful as people gathered together to show their unity against injustice. Bishop Ernest Burns of Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church, one of the speakers at the rally, urged pastors to become the face of unity against all forms of injustice and racism. His challenge, “The world is looking at America and the people who say they are God’s people and asking, If God’s people can’t do it [defeat racism], then who can?”
Pastor Keith Cox of Clarkesville First UMC says that even before Burns’ challenge, God was moving in the county. Cox has been working to set up an ecumenical time of prayer since early last week as a response to the nation’s outcry. In the process, Burns invited Cox to be one of the pastors to pray over the police officers of Clarkesville and Demorest last Friday.
The ecumenical prayer meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 10th, at the Clarkesville Gazebo downtown at 7 p.m. Clarkesville First UMC’s press release states that during the prayer vigil, “We will remember the most recent victims of racial violence in our country, to honor their lives, and to pray for the healing of our nation and the faithful witness of the Church in this turbulent season of social fear and unrest.”
Burns calls local pastors to stand together in solidarity at this time. He says, “It’s already happening. We need to seize the moment.”
The prayer vigil will be live streamed on NowHabersham.com.