The Historic Clarkesville Cemetery Preservation, Inc. board of directors is hosting History among the Hemlocks, a Spirited Stroll through the Old Clarkesville Cemetery. The retelling of four life stories is set for Oct. 25-26 and features six local actors as the storytellers. Shown, from left, are Brooks Garcia of Demorest as a Victorian-era grave digger, Polly Earle of Clarkesville as a Victorian-era woman-in-mourning, Barrie Aycock of Clarkesville as Mrs. Nancy England Harshaw; Sheila Humphrey of Clarkesville as Mrs. J.T. Pittard; Doug Henry of Clarkesville as Calvin Hanks and Jim Loring of Clayton as Rev. Hugh Hawthorne.
Tickets are $25/person through eventbrite.com. (Photo by E. Lane Gresham © 2019)
The scripts are polished and rehearsals are going well for the upcoming History among the Hemlocks event set for Oct. 25-26 at the Old Clarkesville Cemetery.
Described as “a spirited stroll” through the historic landmark, organizers remind the community this is not a ghost tour but a collection of life stories of four individuals who sleep beneath the towering native hemlock trees.
This new event hosted by the Historic Clarkesville Cemetery Preservation, Inc. board of directors, features six local actors as the storytellers.
Sheila Humphrey of Clarkesville will play Mrs. J.T. Pittard; Jim Loring of Clayton will play Rev. Hugh Hawthorne; Barrie Aycock of Clarkesville will play Mrs. Nancy England Harshaw; Doug Henry of Clarkesville will play Calvin Hanks; Brooks Garcia of Demorest will play a Victorian-era grave digger and Polly Earle of Clarkesville will play a Victorian-era woman-in-mourning.
“We wanted to be respectful to the individuals we are portraying but also to offer something captivating for our guests,” said local writer E. Lane Gresham, who wrote the scripts for the event. Gresham relied on research from HCCP, Inc. board member, Virginia Gorday and primary source documents to prepare the scripts.
Kathy Walker of Clarkesville serves on the HCCP, Inc. board and is directing the production.
The tours will last approximately 30 minutes; proceeds from ticket sales and all donations will continue to fund the restoration and preservation work at the Old Clarkesville Cemetery.
The cemetery is located just off Jefferson Street, with the entrance arbor accessible on the E. Morgan Street side. Parking is available downtown and at Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church.
Tickets are $25 per person and may be purchased online at www.eventbrite.com. For more information, visit oldclarkesvillecemetery.com.
Note: This event is not recommended for children 10-under.
Actor bios

Sheila Humphrey of Clarkesville – Mrs. J.T. Pittard
After spending 45 years as an educator, both in the classroom and as an Interpretive Specialist with the Georgia Wildlife Resources Division and 40 years as a fitness instructor, Sheila Humphrey has enjoyed expanding her horizons in various theater projects.
Humphrey said it has been a delight playing roles in A Christmas Story, Fiddler on the Roof, Anne of Green Gables, Sweet Charity, and Oliver. She’s also worked backstage in Savannah Sipping Society, and as a stage manager for Little Women.
Now it is her pleasure to pay homage to Amanda Deas’ legacy as she enacts the role of Mrs. J.T. Pittard.

Barrie Aycock of Clarkesville – Mrs. Nancy England Harshaw
Barrie Aycock is the mayor of Clarkesville and chairs the Historic Clarkesville Cemetery Preservation, Inc. board of directors. She is a long-time champion of historic preservation projects. She and her husband Bobby renovated 150-year-old Glen-Ella Springs Inn, which they owned and operated until 2008. Sharing the story of the beleaguered Nancy England Harshaw gives Aycock a chance to explore her creative side.

Jim Loring of Clayton – Rev. Hugh Hawthorne
Jim Loring is British and moved to the United States in 2004. As a humanitarian photographer, he has completed over 70 assignments worldwide, documenting the plight of those living on the edge of survival. He currently teaches photojournalism and a full range of courses at North Georgia Technical College. In addition to leading roles as biblical characters during vacation Bible school at Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church, he played the role of Mellersh in Enchanted April in 2005.

Doug Henry of Clarkesville – Calvin Hanks
Doug Henry, a native of Clarkesville, is a local attorney. Henry, a member of the Historic Clarkesville Cemetery Preservation, Inc. board of directors, is excited about the efforts to preserve this unique property for everyone to enjoy. He has appeared on the stage at Habersham Community Theater. He relishes the chance to tell the story Calvin Hanks, another local attorney from Clarkesville’s earliest days.

Brooks Garcia of Demorest – Victorian-era grave digger
Brooks Garcia was born in Atlanta, attended The Lovett School and then the University of Georgia where he majored in Landscape Architecture. A member of the Historic Clarkesville Cemetery Preservation, Inc. board of directors, Garcia will channel his flair for the dramatic as he greets attendees of the History among the Hemlocks event.
Bringing history to life at the Old Clarkesville Cemetery through history walks, Garcia said, brings the community a taste of what has been a huge success for the Historic Oakland Cemetery. Garcia served on the board at Oakland and as a gardener helping to plant and maintain the Victorian-style gardens there.

Polly Earle of Clarkesville – Victorian-era woman-in-mourning
Polly Earle of Clarkesville is just getting her second wind. An avid historic preservationist, Earle brings a no-nonsense work ethic to any project. Along with Brooks Garcia, Earle can be found on most warm days up to her elbow in concrete and dirt, working to bring the Old Clarkesville Cemetery back to a sanctuary of respite and solace. She has worked on several historic preservation projects in Northeast Georgia, including a cemetery in the Lavonia area and a historic schoolhouse. She will serve as a docent for visitors to History among the Hemlocks event.