Livin’ the Dream: The beauty of Anna Roberts

Anna Roberts, formerly of Clarkesville, is living her best life in Colorado bringing health and hope to those seeking relief from life's ailments. (photo submitted)

She is known for her holistic approach to life and living in an environment that promotes self-worth and the value of the whole health of people. It is her testimony that she also turned into an occupation to help others achieve their best self, a dream life she never understood existed until she found herself in it.


Anna Roberts, daughter of Rope and Anne Roberts of Clarkesville, Georgia, lives in Colorado with her partner Bruno and two children, 3-year-old Eko and 11-month-old Lili.

“Both are vibrant children who love to dance, play music, sing, and eat fresh organic fruits and veggies!” Anna talked about her children with enthusiasm.

Bruno has a Kirtan band (devotional music) that she and the children enjoy participating in sometimes. “We love this time together, singing together while leading others to go inward to the love in their hearts.”

Anna, Lili, Bruno, and Eko in Colorado (Anna Roberts)

Anna’s journey to health started about 13 years ago when she was living in Telluride, Colorado. “I was serving burgers in Telluride, Colorado,” Roberts began. “Although super fun, it was not sustainable financially or physically.”

Where it began

Ironically, it was a three-legged dog that started it all. The dog belonged to one of her friends. One day, after a long hike, she was massaging the dog’s leg and felt being led through the words “do this” to study massage. And she did.

Roberts attended the Moutain Heart School of Bodywork and Transformation in Crested Butte, Colorado.

“Massage school was my ‘gateway modality’ as I like to put it. It opened my eyes and heart to the wonderful world of holistic health,” Roberts explained.

She began studying Yoga and became an instructor. It was then that Roberts discovered her real purpose and the steps toward her dream life started.

“I dove into regenerative nutrition to get to the root of my own health challenges such as inflammation, UTIs, ovarian cysts, ear infections, constipation, anxiety, and stress to name a few of the issues,” Roberts talked openly about her health problems. It is something she does not shy away from because of her deep belief in being real.

And, it is this openness that has enabled her to help so many people overcome their challenges as well.

Roberts in Colorado (Roberts)

Finding her dream

As a Regenerative Nutrition Coach, she fills her social media pages with comforting words of encouragement. “We are way too infinite to stay stuck in a box someone else created,” she wrote recently in her post.

It is her belief in organic superfoods that has taken her to a different level in her physical and mental health. Roberts calls herself the CEO of her own life. As a Regenerative Nutrition Coach, she can work from her home and be the stay-at-home mom she has always dreamed of being while maintaining the level of income she’s longed to have as well.

“The opportunities are endless. I am a part of a community of visionaries, impact leaders, and people who care about the planet and the health of those who live on it,” Roberts talked about her career and what it has afforded her.

The dangers we eat

She says she is a part of a mission the world needs more than ever. “We educate on the importance of clean, non-toxic food by bringing awareness to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup,” Roberts added. “In short, glyphosate is designed to kill life and unfortunately does not differentiate between an unwanted herb or the cells in our gut biome.”

Glyphosate is linked to autoimmune disease, leaky gut, celiac, autism, Parkinson’s, Dementia, depression, and the list goes on and on. Roberts said, “Our nation is getting sicker so the urgency to spread this message is at an all-time high. I am very proud to be a distributor of the only clinically certified natural product that was awarded a Gold Seal by the Detox Project as a glyphosate detox solution!”

(photo submitted)

Roberts’ mantra is simple but something she lives by daily, “We can only be as healthy as our soil.”


Success story

One of her favorite stories about a client who entrusted Roberts with her health is Asia’s. “After 30 days of a super-dense nutrition protocol while detoxing glyphosate, Asia shed 20 pounds, her acne cleared, her mental fog lifted, energy revived, and all the unhealthy cravings she had her entire life were gone,” Roberts remembered.

It is stories like this one and so many others that drive Roberts to continue in the field.

“I am so fulfilled when I get that text or receive a call saying ‘My headaches are gone!’ or ‘I lost x amount of weight already!’ or ‘I feel like myself again!’ And it is these comments that are the reason I love what I do.”

Change can be hard

Roberts recognizes that changes are difficult. She understands the discipline it takes because she went through those times; but, Roberts emphasizes the changes will navigate how life is lived and felt and continued.

“I am so proud to be a rebel in a world that wants to put me in a box of disempowerment so I may rely on corrupt systems,” Roberts expressed. “I walk boldly in the undeniable truth of my inner knowing. I am raising myself and my children to listen and trust the innate wisdom that will guide us on a path of expansion.”

If you would like to learn more about Anna Roberts and her life goals of whole health and wellness, you can contact her at [email protected].



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