Woman reunites with first responders who saved her

Jamie Tyler, Todd Lunsford, Angelica, Chad Black, and Jason Garrett.

It’s the kind of reunion first responders don’t often get, but the kind they relish when they do. Habersham County Emergency Services personnel recently reunited with a woman whose life they saved three years ago.

On November 27, 2017, Angelissa Pitts suffered a sudden cardiac arrest while traveling in a car. When first responders arrived, they found her unresponsive, lying in the median of Georgia Highway 17. She had no pulse, no breath, and at that moment, it seemed, no future. But thanks to the efforts of the trained professionals who showed up that day – Jamie Tyler, Todd Lunsford, Chad Black, and Jason Garrett – Angelissa survived.

Habersham County Emergency Services shared a photo of their reunion and the events that led up to it on Facebook.

“After a team effort of multiple shocks, drug therapy, and airway maintenance” they successfully resuscitated Pitts and transported her to Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville, the post stats. “Several surgeries later, an implanted defibrillator, she is married and back at work.”

Pitts met the team from HCES a few days before Thanksgiving. The post accompanying their reunion photo reads, “blessed and a great reason to be thankful this holiday season!”