Life in Motion: Myrtle the Duck

“Ouch!” ~ Myrtle the Duck, Cornelia, GA

Myrtle the Duck, unofficial mascot of the VFL Duck Race, recently suffered a broken neck at the hands of vandals who broke into the old South Habersham Sixth Grade Academy on Cash Street in Cornelia. The popular paper mache duck is now undergoing repairs with lots of ‘duck’ tape. Myrtle’s feathers are ruffled but she hopes to be back in the swim of things by the time the VFL Duck Race rolls around on May 16.

The old South Habersham Sixth Grade Academy school building (formerly Cornelia Elementary) has been broken into several times since it closed its doors in 2011. The building is home to the Book Bank, one of many local literacy programs sponsored by Volunteers for Literacy of Habersham County.


If you have any information about this or other break-ins please contact Cornelia Police or the Habersham County School System.