New Piedmont graduate Cheyanne Osoria of Demorest and her mom, Gigi Osoria of Brandon, Florida, take time out for a selfie following the undergraduate Commencement ceremony at the college May 6 in Demorest. Osoria earned a BA degree in musical theatre with honors. (photo/David Price)
In two ceremonies on Saturday, President James F. Mellichamp and Board Chairman Thomas A. “Gus” Arrendale III presented diplomas to 404 new graduates at Piedmont College in Demorest.
This year’s Commencement speakers included Jim Spohrer of San Jose, California., director of Cognitive Open Technologies for IBM Research and former director of IBM Global University Programs; and Capt. Alan W. Price, former Chief Pilot for Delta Airlines’ Atlanta pilot base and founder of Georgia-based Falcon Leadership Inc.
On Friday, Piedmont’s campus minister, the Rev. Tim Garvin-Leighton, delivered the annual Baccalaureate address.