Life in Motion: A Call to Prayer

An oncoming train briefly drowned out but didn't stop the prayers pastors lifted up during the "A Call to Prayer" gathering Aug. 21, 2021, in Cornelia.

Dozens of people gathered at the Big Red Apple in downtown Cornelia on Saturday to unite in a call to prayer.

The gathering was hosted by pastors from nine Habersham County churches. The pastors have been meeting monthly for over a year, looking for ways to support one another and their community.

“It’s not just an association, it’s a movement,” Prince of Peach Church Pastor Sam Negron told Now Habersham ahead of the gathering. “It’s a movement to get our pastors together to reach our people here in Habersham County, and in other counties, but especially here.”

Negron says the goal of this pastoral movement is to bring people together, regardless of their differences, to meet the community’s needs.

“The community doesn’t owe itself to us, we owe ourselves to the community,” he says of local church leaders and congregants. “We have to be the ER to the community. We have to reach past the church walls to receive people — to show the love of God and be all about Jesus.”

Approximately 50 people attended Saturday’s gathering. Negron says another community prayer event is planned for October 16th.


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