Lessons I’ve Learned

Lessons I’ve Learned

I recently celebrated my 44th birthday on Tuesday. For 44 years, God has allowed me to live life on earth. Though not a long period of time (I know many who are older), I am beginning to meet a lot more people who have lived less time than I have. These past 44 years have been quite an experience. I took time to think and realized a lot has taken place these 44 years. I have been saved for 29 years . . . went to  school for 24 years . . . been married for 21 years . . . been a dad for 18 years . . . served as a youth pastor for 3 years . . . served as an associate pastor for 1 year . . . and served as a Senior Pastor for 20 years. Indeed, these 44 years have been quite an experience. Allow me to share with you ten lessons I have learned:

  1. The older I get the hair on my head becomes thinner and the hair on my face becomes grayer.
  2. No matter how much I exercise I will never feel nor look like I did in my twenties.
  3. Those things such as saving for retirement and the right amount of medical care and life insurance become a  priority.
  4. No matter how bad someone may offend me, life is just too short and precious to stay bitter.
  5. It really begins to feel late at night after 9:00pm.
  6. I have a strong relationship with my doctors because the visits have become more frequent.
  7. Spending time with my mom and dad have become more and more precious.
  8. I am no longer asked if Anne and I want more children, but am told I will be a grandfather in the next decade.
  9. I used to be scared of taking medicine, now I am scared if I forget to take my medicine.
  10. Every day is precious. The words of the Psalmist rings so true, “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be gland in it” (Psalm 118:24)

Thank you for allowing me to take time for some good reflection.

Jesus probably gave us the best advice when it comes to living life.  When asked what the greatest commandment is, he gave a two-fold response.  First, we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind and strength.  Second, we are to love our neighbors as ourselves.  That is some pretty simple advice which all of us should make a priority.  Love God . . . Love Others . . . Pretty Simple.

No matter how many years God has given you so far and how many years he plans on giving you, make sure your eyes are focused on Him, your heart has been given to Him and do your best to show others the Savior who died for us!