Legislative Update: education, healthcare, and rural development

Editor’s Note: The following legislative update is from Rep. Victor Anderson (R-Cornelia) who represents the 10th State House District of Georgia. The District includes portions of Habersham and White counties. Anderson presently serves on the House Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications Committee, Governmental Affairs Committee, and State Planning & Community Affairs Committee. He also chairs the study committee on annexation and cityhood issues. You may contact him at victor.anderson@house.ga.gov

Rep. Victor Anderson (R-Cornelia)

Greetings from under the Gold Dome!

Monday, February 1, we gathered under the Gold Dome for our fourth week of the 2022 legislative session. Last week brought many committee meetings and much discussion regarding issues of importance which included education, healthcare, and rural initiatives. We also convened on the House floor for four days, where we passed several measures to the benefit of Georgia and her citizens.

As always, I will be updating you weekly on all happenings concerning your government at work. If you have concerns or questions regarding legislation, I ask that you reach out to our office directly. Thank you for allowing me the honor and privilege of serving our home under the Gold Dome. May God bless you, and may He continue to bless the great state of Georgia.


Last week, we passed House Bill 385, which would assist in combatting the teacher shortage within our Georgia school systems. If passed into law, this legislation would allow retired certified teachers the opportunity to return to the classroom, while receiving their full retirement benefits. Further, following one year of retirement, eligible members of the Teachers Retirement System would be able to return to work in an “area of highest need,” as designated by the Department of Education and Professional Standards Committee. If signed into law, this legislation would offer an immediate solution to our overall need for more teachers, while ensuring our students are given the best opportunity to receive a quality education from experienced educators.


Our work to ensure Georgians receive quality and affordable healthcare continued through the passage House Bill 752 and House Bill 867.

HB 752, or the Psychiatric Advance Directive Act, would allow competent adults to legally establish their preferences for future mental health treatment and medication. Stipulations of the bill are as follows:

  • Allows the option for an individual to appoint a person to serve as their “mental health care agent,” to act on their behalf if they are incapable of making mental health decisions.
  • Allows patients to fill out a psychiatric advance directive with pertinent information.
  • Ensures that providers and treatment facilities fully comply with the patient’s directive when possible.

In our continued efforts to ensure Georgians can afford rising healthcare costs, we also successfully passed HB 867. This bill, also known as, the Truth in Prescription Pricing for Patients Act, works to lower prescription drug prices while bringing further transparency to the current practices of Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PMBs). PBMs are third-party individuals who calculate the price for prescriptions under health insurance plans. HB 867 will require the following:

  • Requires PBMs to calculate a prescription’s “true cost” based on what the drug cost to purchase at a pharmacy, minus any eligible rebates.
  • Requires PBMs to communicate their calculations to consumers and reimburse individuals if their final calculation saves the patient money.
  • If the PBM calculates a higher final cost than what an individual must pay, the PBM or health plan client cannot hold the individual or pharmacy responsible for the underpaid amount.

We are hopeful that HB 867 will ensure that PBMs conduct their business with full transparency, ultimately lowering the out-of-pocket costs our citizens pay for prescription drugs.

Criminal Justice Reform

Did you know that in the last 30 years, faulty scientific evidence admitted under the current legal standard has contributed to at least 25 out of nearly 40 documented wrongful convictions in Georgia?

To prevent more wrongful convictions, we unanimously passed House Bill 478. This bill would change the standard for admissible court evidence and testimony in criminal cases to match the standard used in civil cases. This new standard would also provide a list of factors that a judge may consider helping determine the admissibility of scientific evidence or witness testimony.

House Rural Development Council

More than five years ago, the House launched our Rural Development Council. This council was tasked to produce sound policies that would benefit the less populated areas of our state. Over the last few years, they have successfully and effectively made tremendous strides in the policy areas of rural broadband, healthcare, agriculture, education, and economic development.

This week, the council announced that 11 House bills have been introduced for the continued benefit of our state’s rural regions. We will provide further updates about these various initiatives in detail as they make their way through the legislative process.

You can learn more about the House Rural Development Council and its 2022 legislative recommendations here.

American Rescue Plan Act

Last week, Governor Kemp also announced a big win for those who have been struggling with reliable access to broadband services.

The American Rescue Plan Act will assist rural communities in gaining access to faster and more reliable internet services through $408 million in federal funding. These preliminary awards will support 49 broadband infrastructure projects that will impact 70 Georgia counties. Current data show that 482,374 specific locations in Georgia are currently unserved. However, these newly announced projects could expand broadband services for 183,615 homes and businesses, including 132,050 locations that do not have broadband at all. Our General Assembly has been working on these initiatives for years and it is great to see our efforts come to fruition.

Click here to read more about the American Rescue Plan.

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