Demorest is losing its top cop effective March 1. Police Chief Robin Krockum is retiring to run for Habersham County sheriff.
Krockum, who has served as Demorest’s police chief since 2016, wrote a letter advising city leaders of his decision last Friday, Feb. 2. City Manager Mark Musselwhite read the letter aloud at Tuesday night’s city council meeting. The departing police chief listened in from another location after joining the meeting virtually.
While Krockum referred to it as his “resignation/retirement” letter, Musselwhite made clear the city is “going with retirement.”
READ Krockum’s retirement letter
A ‘new chapter’
In the letter, Krockum expressed his “heartfelt gratitude and respect” for Demorest, where he has spent the bulk of his nearly 30-year law enforcement career.
“My last day with the city will be March 1, 2024,” he wrote, ahead of confirming his plans to run for countywide office. “I plan to qualify for the position of Sheriff in the upcoming primary election. I hope to continue with my career in law enforcement as I start this new chapter in my life.”
After reading the letter, Musselwhite said, “It was tough to receive that letter last Friday, even though we’ve all known for some time that this day was coming.”
Krockum responded, “It was tough to send it, too.”
In December 2022, Chief Krockum announced his intentions to run for sheriff after Joey Terrell announced he would not seek reelection. The city of Demorest is planning a retirement party for Krockum on March 1, with details still to be worked out.
“It will be a tough day,” said Musselwhite before adding, “Robin, we appreciate all your service. It’s been tremendous. I’ve got a great friend in you since I’ve known you.”
Jerry Harkness pointed out he was a kid when Krockum started with the Demorest Police Department in the late 1990s. He’s now the city’s mayor.
“I appreciate your focus on education, on professionalism, and leadership,” Mayor Harkness said. “So, thank you very much for serving the city.”
Chastain named new chief
Although he has planned for his departure from Demorest PD for more than a year, Krockum told the city council, “It wasn’t easy. Like my letter said, it’s nervous excitement. Sometimes you gotta have faith.” He added, “It’s a big step for me. Hopefully, if everything works out, I’ll just be up the street from you.”
Demorest Councilmember Shawn Allen led the city council and audience in a round of applause for Krockum. They gave him a standing ovation.
After the city council unanimously voted to accept Krockum’s retirement, Musselwhite recommended appointing Assistant Police Chief Casey Chastain to succeed him. The council unanimously approved that recommendation. Chastain will be sworn in as Demorest Police Chief on March 1. Officer James Minutello will become the new assistant chief at that time.
“I’m proud for Casey. I know he will do a great job,” Krockum said.
The city council will hold a public pinning ceremony for Chastain during the council’s regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 5.