Kemp extends state gas tax suspension

(Hadley Cottingham/Now Habersham)

Georgia drivers will continue to enjoy savings at the pump at least through mid-November after the governor extended the state’s gas tax suspension.

Governor Brian Kemp on Friday signed an executive order extending a State of Emergency due to inflation. The order keeps the suspension of motor and locomotive fuel taxes in place through November 11.

“With our partners in the General Assembly, we’ll keep working to put money back in the pockets of Georgia families,” Kemp said.

Georgia can easily afford to make up for the lost cash, which is used mostly for roadbuilding. Not only is its rainy day account full, but it has roughly $10 billion in additional surplus cash in state accounts, AP reports. The state is also likely to run another multi-billion dollar surplus this year.

On Thursday, Georgia drivers were paying an average of $3.20 per gallon of unleaded gasoline, according to motor group AAA. That was the lowest price among the states and down 37 cents since Kemp suspended the taxes.

The national average of $3.77 has decreased 7 cents per gallon in the same time.

Northeast Georgia gas prices

According to AAA, the average cost of a gallon of regular gas in Georgia is currently $3.18, one of the lowest in the country.

As of October 6, Oconee County had the cheapest gas in Northeast Georgia averaging $3.02 per gallon, according to AAA. That was followed by Stephens County at $3.06 and Hart and Clarke counties at $3.07 per gallon.

Hall and Madison counties had the second lowest gas price average – between $3.08 to $3.12.

Gas prices in Banks, Barrow, Habersham, Jackson, and White counties ranged from $3.13 to $3.19 per gallon.

Map showing average gas prices in Georgia as of October 6, 2023. (Source: AAA)

Pump prices also include a federal tax of 18.4 cents per gallon on gasoline and 24.4 cents per gallon on diesel.