Former American POW Jessica Lynch greets worshippers after the late morning service at Level Grove Baptist Church Sunday.
A new Christian film featuring former American POW Jessica Lynch makes its Habersham County debut tonight at Level Grove Baptist Church. One Church is billed as a “political thriller” surrounding a revolution that demands all pulpits in America must preach one religion. Lynch has the female lead in the movie. The former Army private took up teaching and acting after she left the military.
Lynch — who was just 19 years old when she was injured in an ambush and taken prisoner during the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 — spoke about her experiences during morning worship services today at Level Grove. In talking about the ambush that led to her capture, she said she and her fellow soldiers were surrounded after they got lost in the city of Nasiriyah. Her gun jammed during the ambush and so, “I did what I thought was best and I bowed my head and I started to pray.”
Lynch’s parents sat and listened intently with the rest of the congregation this morning as their daughter shared her wartime experiences. She’ll be back again at the church tonight to greet the public following the film’s showing.
“It means a lot to us and the community just to see a girl with such courage and willingness to be able to just endure whatever life might throw at you,” says Level Grove Pastor Brian James. “It’s been an encouragement to us just to see what God can do if we give Him a chance to work.”
One Church shows at 6 o’clock tonight at Level Grove Baptist Church. The public is encouraged to attend. The church is located at 157 Old Level Grove Road in Cornelia, GA. DVD copies of the film will be available for purchase and Lynch will be on hand for photos and autographs.