There are at least two moments that everyone in the stands at Raider Stadium will remember from last night. The first is when their graduate walked into the stadium. The second is when Habersham Central Assistant Principal Dr. Amy Hood uttered these words, “Get covered up. Here we go!”
After that, it was kind of a blur as a torrential downpour fell from the skies.
Still, graduation went on, to the dismay of some and the delight of many others.
Friday night, 442 HCHS students and 36 Success Academy students received their diplomas.
Now Habersham will have more on Friday night’s graduation coming soon.
Raider pride
“I am very proud and excited for the 406 Habersham Central graduates that make up the Class of 2018,” said HCHS Principal Jonathan Stribling before the ceremony. “They are well prepared and equipped to be valuable contributors in our community and in our world. As they pursue their dreams, I wish the best for each one of them.”
This class has a lot to be proud of.
HCHS and Success Academy Counselor Holly McShane says “the amount of awards extended to Seniors by colleges was astounding!” Over $6 million in scholarships was awarded this year.
(Class of 2018 photo/Terri Byers)