And when the clock strikes midnight, the carriage becomes a pumpkin, the coachmen – cute little mice, the dress – turns to rags…
Wait, that’s Cinderella.
Today is Tax Day all across America and many are scrambling to beat the deadline – midnight tonight.
Here are some friendly tips to get you through the day:
- Coffee – there is just something about it. Even if you are not a coffee drinker, it works. Coffee gives a feeling of importance, urgency, comfort, and warmth. Face it, we all need that when filing taxes.
- Don’t be in a hurry. If you are filing your taxes, check and recheck your work. It is so important to get it right – especially if you are receiving a return! You don’t want anything to impede the receipt of your money. Check the spelling of your name, your social security number, your address, filing status, and bank account info if you are using direct deposit.
- If you need to file an extension, this form may be the one you need. It gives you six months to file. Of course, if you are unsure, seek the advice of an accountant or CPA.
- Don’t forget State Taxes. Yes, some people do forget. It happens. When you file, most people have to pay Federal and State Taxes. If you are uncertain, seek the advice of an accountant or CPA.
- Never let them see you sweat. Don’t sweat it. Set aside the time. Get in the right frame of mind. And GET IT DONE. You’ll sleep better tonight.
Mike Mixon, Certified Public Accountant in Clarkesville, GA, said, “April 15 is a day that people are actually glad to see come and go. Whether you file or extend, most people are just happy to quit talking about it.”
Whatever you choose to do, there are still plenty of hours before midnight.