Investigators arrest White County man, woman in molestation case

Hall County Sheriff’s Office Investigators arrested a man and woman from White County this week following a child molestation incident at a park in north Hall County.

Brittany Elizabeth Hayes, 28, and Timmy Allen Williamson, 39, of Cleveland, were arrested at the Hall County Sheriff’s Office Headquarters on Wednesday afternoon, July 1. They’re each charged with aggravated child molestation in the case involving a victim they both knew, officials say.

Additionally, Williamson is charged with incest in connection with the same victim and incident.

According to the preliminary investigation, between June 1, 2019, and August 31, 2019, Hayes performed an immoral and indecent act to the male victim who was under the age of 16. Williamson, as a party to a crime, had sexual interaction with Hayes during the same timeframe.

The alleged incident occurred at Mossy Creek State Park.

The victim disclosed the crime to an adult family member who reported it to law enforcement. The Hall County Sheriff’s Office began its investigation on May 27, 2020, after being notified about the incident by the White County Sheriff’s Office.

The case remains under investigation by the Sheriff’s Office. Both Hayes and Williamson remained in the Hall County Jail as of Thursday afternoon, July 2.